Pandoran trading was born from a Brazilian import company with 25 years of experience, importing more than 1200 products, more than 50,000 items. , we served the Pao de Açúcar, attacked, carrefour, makro, 70% of the electric networks, among others.
Among negotiated products we highlight, food commodities, pneumatic products, toys, electronics, bazaar materials.
In the twenty-five years, billion of dollars have been traded, and business with over 20 countries, the company specializes in importing and exporting sourcing services and finding products of any kind.
Since 2016 the company is specializing in the purchase and sale of petroleum fuels, and has contracts with Russian and Middle Eastern refineries, is structured in Brazil, Uruguay and the United States, is able to provide fuels such as diesel and gasoline. as other petrochemical products.
We can assist in the internalization of products of any origin or NCM, in Brazil and now mainly in fuel and petrochemicals, the company counts on tanking and storage for importation of petroleum products in the port of Paranagua, 40,000 ton / m3 available.
The group among its partners includes other companies such as uruguay caviar manufacturing, aluminum plants, and other import and export business. How to be a customer Contact us Describe, the product you want to import or export, we will analyze quickly and quickly.